Other Hockey Movies

I'll admit, I haven't seen every hockey movie. Here's the rest...

Mystery, Alaska
Starring: Russell Crowe, Hank Azaria

Hockey Night
Starring: Rick Moranis

I remember seeing this many years ago but don't recall if it was good or not. It's about a girl that joins a boy's hockey team.

The Boys
Starring: Marc Messier, Rémy Girard

There are a lot of great movies that make reference to hockey, such as:

Clerks - Dante and Randall have to work so they decide to play hockey on the roof of the store.

Happy Gilmore - Adam Sandler is a hockey player turned golfer. He often wears a Boston Bruins jersey and his putter looks like a hockey stick.

The Lookout - Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Jeff Daniels star in this movie about a star high-school hockey player who's life is changed by a horrible car accident.

Mallrats - Brodie's girlfriend breaks up with him because he won't stop playing hockey on his Sega Genesis. "Look at the score, for Christ's sake. It's only the second period and I'm up 12 to 2. Breakfasts come and go, Rene, but Hartford, 'the Whale,' they only beat Vancouver once, maybe twice in a lifetime."

Chasing Amy - Another Kevin Smith film, another few hockey references. Holden and Alyssa attend a minor league hockey game, Alyssa wears a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey and Banky and Holden are playing hockey on the Sega Genesis.

Wayne's World - Wayne and Garth play street hockey wearing Chicago Blackhawks jerseys.

Strange Brew - What matters most in life, eh? Hockey, donuts and beer.

Waking Up Wally - An inspiring and powerful story based on the book Walter Gretzky: On Family, Hockey and Healing.

Just Friends - Ryan Reynolds tries to prove how cool he is by beating up on some young kids playing pond hockey.

Swingers - They play NHL 94 for Sega and Vince Vaughn talks about how great Jeremy Roenick is. One guy is wearing a Gretzky Kings jersey too.

The Love Guru - Mike Myers new movie where he has to help the Maple Leafs star player turn his life around so he can focus on hockey. The hockey scenes were filmed during a Detroit Red Wings/Maple Leafs pre-season game in 2007.

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